Sunday, September 04, 2005

Start Plan

So, it's been nearly twenty-one months since I created dBlog but, being concerned about such things as reserving my moniker, it was important to me to create it even though I had no idea if I'd ever use it.

I think that now I may be ready to do some actual writing.

I don't have a plan.

My wife consistently reminds me of this.

But I do, most definitely have a pattern.

In fact, the name that chosen for my blog dBlog is a recurring naming pattern that I use. I have a dinkPad (much underpowered running Fedora FC4 and which I'm currently writing on), a dPod, a dMac, a dHP... you get the idea. Naming my online "thing" (whatever this is now or becomes in the future) dBlog was part of this pattern.

Though, again, not evidence much of a plan, per se.

Incidentally, I'm (re)reading the GoF Design Patterns book so it occurred to me that maybe this is why I survive without a plan. Once you get to know me, you'll realize that I do have idea, or a pattern, I just don't regularly carry the overhead of maintaining a formal plan.

I'm trying to improve on this. We'll see how it works out.

More later...


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